In following the tutorials here at Almost Geek, you will often need to look at your systems hidden files for copy or move things around. OS X makes showing hidden files a chore, in fact I had to search for how to do it. I found this article on how to do it and that’s how I do it on my system.
Copy this command into Terminal* (new window click to find out where Terminal is):
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
Then restart finder by typing this command into terminal:
killall Finder
When your done working with your hidden files and folders simply reverse the command to hide hidden files again.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles FALSE
Once again restart Finder with the following command:
killall Finder
Here is what your home directory normally looks like:
Your home folder with hidden files shown:
From Almost Geek - Tips and Tricks for all the Gadgets in your life